The power of one decision

It’s Sunday, June 14 and the Miami Heat just lost in the NBA finals to the San Antonio Spurs. As Lebron James walks of the court, many worldwide mock him, laughing that he couldn’t win his 3rd NBA title. Just days before he was carried off the court by team mates because of cramps, creating a storm of memes on social networks. Four years before he joined the dream team, leaving his hometown for Miami Beach to play with other all-stars. Many lost respect, wanting him to lose. Less then 1 month later however, he is loved again, why? Because of one decision to return to Cleveland. It’s as if the last 4 years of everyone hating him faded, all because of 1 decision.

Our life is built of decisions we make on a daily basis. They define and make us who we are. Many of us will make 99.99% of our decisions correct, but it only takes one bad decision to erase the 99%.

The news this week has been dominated by a story out of Houston. A man looking for his ex-wife entered the home of former in-laws dressed as a FedEx delivery man. He then, one by one shoots the family execution style. The parents and 4 children were dead instantly, while the 15 year old daughter miraculously survived, and was able to call 911, possible saving others that the man was planning to kill.

I was once friends and co-workers with the murderer.

We worked together during my time in Logan. He was an extremely happy guy, very friendly and funny. He was the prankster at work, and was always up to making people laugh. It makes me wonder at what point did he make that poor decision. It wasn’t necessarily one, but I’m sure a series of choices where if he had just chosen to go the other way, his life could be different.

Everyone has the right to choose, it’s our responsibility to make the correct choice and live with the results of every choice we make.

(Written - 6/14/2014)